The Historic Shepherd of the Hills Outdoor Drama is the action-packed live reenactment of the famous historical novel by Christian minister, Harold Bell Wright. Published in 1907, this beautiful story tells of life in the rugged Ozark Mountains of Missouri in the late 1800’s.
Over 90 actors and actresses, horses, sheep, mules and donkey’s perform on a stage the size of a football field. There’s a shoot-out, the actual burning of a log cabin, a love story, a mystery and a moral message that is as true today as it was over a century ago.
Generations of families have grown up loving this experience – children who visited on a school field trip in the 1960s or 1970s now bring their children and grandchildren back to be a part of the fun and excitement of this live production.
From Springfield: Take 65 South to 465, take 465 to 76 East, 76 East go right one mile.
From Branson: Take 76 West go about 7 miles